Cheap Circular Text
One of the most frequently
asked questions in the Photoshop newsgroups is
how to put text on a circle or a path. Well,
until Adobe *hopefully* adds this feature, we
have to improvise. This is the quick, ugly way to
make circular text.
1. Make a new canvas the size
you want the diameter of the circle to be. Then
use the text tool and make the text as wide as
the canvas. If you are in PS5, you will have to
Render the text. Also, make sure 'Preserve
Transparency' is not checked on the text layer.
Place the text at the bottom of
the canvas to get a wide circle. The higher on
the canvas the text is, the tighter the circle
will be.
2. Filter>Distort>Polar
Coordinates. Choose Rectangular to Polar and
click OK.
OK it's ugly and distorted, but
maybe you go for that sort of thing. If you want
to manually rotate each letter along a path, then
you probably have more patience than I do.
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